

Nature Therapy; Healing through connection with Nature



Nature Therapy; Healing through connection with Nature



Nature Therapy; Healing through connection with Nature



Nature Therapy; Healing through connection with Nature



Nature Therapy; Healing through connection with Nature



Nature Therapy; Healing through connection with Nature



Nature Therapy; Healing through connection with Nature



Nature Therapy; Healing through connection with Nature



Nature Therapy; Healing through connection with Nature

Harmonious Living for Lighting my path

Healing through nature is my go-to for balancing life through holistic means. When I walk through a forest and listen carefully, I can hear the wisdom spoken from the trees. When I sit in stillness and practice meditation with mindful intention, I receive new insights and perspectives. When I stretch out pains in yoga, I find places and spaces in my body for healing and growth. When I look into nature, I see the grand design of the micro to the macro, and the patterns and fractals, circles and cycles of divine intelligence.

Mind, body, and spirit working in harmony with nature facilitate wisdom and reflection. It is through harmonizing with nature’s grand design that we can align our inner and outer worlds, flow in the creativity of the collective, and harness our energy, power, and resources for the highest potential and purpose. Serving the whole vs serving the self.

Enjoy my photo gallery of healing through Nature, Travel, Adventure, Art, Music, Dance, Yoga & Meditation. These experiences and healing methods are my joy. Follow me as I journey the world as a solo traveler; here I will share my tales of where this journey takes me, who I will meet and what I will create in this grand kingdom we call earth.

Click on images to view themed gallery

Select Lifestyle Art available for purchase

Store Opens on the Harvest Moon


"I want to take pretty pictures, converse with the trees, dance under the moon, splash in the ocean, play carefree like a child, laugh out great big belly laughs, fly in my dreams, visit other realms, travel the world, rap like a spiritual gangster, ride my motorcycle, hike scenic mountains, run free through flower fields, jump off cliffs, climb jungle book trees, make really cool films, inspire evolution, elevate consciousness, love with a big heart, live life fully; create and share my experience with the world. This is my Bliss. "

Jayme Johnson, Founder @ Axiom Reality

Lifestyle Themes

  • Spiritual Gangster
  • Pink Hair Super Hero
  • Master of Ceremony
  • Mad Hatter
  • Motorcycle Girl
  • Bohemian Hipster
  • Cali Cowgirl
  • Captain
  • Director & Producer
  • Experiences Curator
  • Storyteller
  • Axiom Reality
  • Bodhi Squad
  • Rebel & Queen
  • Numerology
  • Psychedelics
  • Human Design
  • Eco Therapy
  • Wisdom Swag
  • Spiritual Gangster Raps
  • Spiritual Satires
  • Bitmoji Stories
  • Art & Design
  • Yoga & Meditation
  • Dance & Music
  • Flowers
  • Plant Medicines
  • Festival Life
  • Burning Man
  • Beach Vibes
  • Sailing
  • Hiking
  • Biking
  • Nature
  • Healing
  • Travel
  • Truth
  • Transformation
  • Architecture
  • Adventures
  • Mountains
  • Tattoos
  • Trees
  • Food Art

Shop Lifestyle Brand,

Rebel & Queen

for Axiom Retreats and Bodhi Tribe Adventures

Swag and sacraments for the spiritual warrior and adventurer. Royal yet edgy designer wear, streetwear, and bikewear for festivals, yogis, retreats, adventurers, and travelers. Swag and sacraments to aid the traveler in relaxed lifestyle fashion, expression, comfort, as well as healing sacraments and instruments to deepen and harmonize the journey. 

Arriving 2022

Nature gives my mind beauty to rest on so I can be with it without thought. Just pure reflection admiring its beauty. 

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