Your Lips Move, but I Can’t Hear What You’re Saying

Your Lips Move, but I Can’t Hear What You’re Saying

YOUR LIPS MOVE, BUT I CANT HEAR WHAT YOU’RE SAYING Every one of us is walking our unique path. We are each influenced by the people in our lives; our family, friends, peers, partners, husbands/wives, mentors, communities, environments, cultures, and places we...


LOST AND FOUND  Today’s cultural climate and world structures are filled with so much uncertainty. We are in the cocoon phase of dogmatic ideas, structures, and systems breaking away under the pressure of consciousness rising from the quiet depths of lightworkers...
The Light Becomes Her

The Light Becomes Her

THE LIGHT BECOMES HER (PART 4 of 5) Women are often viewed as feminist or aggressive if they ruffle feathers, speak out of turn or vie for change in masculine dominated places – work environments, political, judicial, financial systems. We’re met with pushback...
Wielding the Fire

Wielding the Fire

WIELDING THE FIRE  (PART 3 of 5) Women are often punished, trivialized, dismissed, and gaslighted for expressing anger or frustration. This is deeply harmful and abusive and has conditioned women to remain silent about what they need, want, and feel. We’re shamed for...

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