
Welcome to my lifestyle’s site, aka, my World of Wonder.

Here, I share travel and adventure photos and personal stories about my path to divine truth; obstacles that become teachable moments, and how I transform these challenges into opportunities. I promise to be real and raw, offer tears and humor, silliness and seriousness, and truth to the best of my ability. This is my Hero’s Journey. 

The meaning of our lives are reflected through our individual and collective experiences; leaving traces of our evolution which can be told through our personal stories. These are the memories of our pains and pleasures, trials and triumphs, insights and explorations, passion pursuits and inquisitions, successes and failures. Through sharing our stories with community, we pass on our wisdom and receive witness to our existence.

I’ve always been fascinated by all subjects at the intersection of science and spirituality; pondering thoughts about the existential questions of life’s meaning and purpose, and my role in it. As such, I’ve been a student of life deeply seeking evidence through experience and studying all of the sciences and philosophy including physics, biology, physiology, psychology, sociology, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and the ancient wisdom of sages, mystics, philosophers, natives and advanced civilizations. 

I am curating stories, experiences, and adventures that bring knowledge, joy, light, love, healing, and wholeness to myself and my human family. This is my life’s work and the information I share will continue to grow and evolve as I do. This portal will house links to tools, materials, books, films, videos, apps, retreats, and conscious content to facilitate our Consciousness Evolution. 


My wish is to equip humanity with a roadmap and tools to inspire a new mode of operation; one of mindfulness, kindness, cooperation, collaboration, creativity, wholeness, and FUN! 

I believe we can heal ourselves, each other, and the health of our planet as we learn to harmonize the divine within us and our connection to nature. 

We have reached our intellectual limits and must now learn wisdom and compassion for each other. This is the key to living blissful lives. That of freedom, fulfillment, and connection.

What I Create

I am a storyteller and experiences curator. I host retreats and adventures in epic nature and scenic settings, designed to connect the inner and outer experience, harmonizing spirit with nature in a delightful playlist of healing and playful activity.

I create sacred tools to help guide your journey towards higher purpose; when you know better, you do better. These spiritual tools will help you learn insights about who you are and your purpose for your chosen and precious life. Knowledge and commitment to growth energize your creative direction, personal power, and connections to others. The goal is to harmonize your experience towards the highest order.

I also offer swag and sacraments to take you there in comfort and style; festival wear, yoga wear, bohemian wear, motorcycle wear, and streetwear. I create sacraments for practicing elevated states of consciousness, sacred altar items, and healing instruments to deepen the journey.

Travel, Truth & Transformation are woven through every story, experience, tool, product and program I create and share. So saddle up and get ready for adventures that have been carefully curated for maximum elevation.


My Sacred Brands

Spiritual Gangster Productions®

Soul Tools & Conscious Content for the Spiritual Gangster. Spiritual Gangster Productions is a division of Epic Media, a platform for spiritual storytelling in form of raps, blogs, books, videos, films, documentaries, talks, and events. The site will house consciousness apps and spiritual tools for self-discovery to aid the evolutionary path for spiritual seekers and those on their Hero’s Journey. 

Axiom Retreats®

Axiom Retreats are glamping experiences in deep nature designed to take you on a healing journey of soul work and child-like play, centered on accessing deeper states of consciousness via healing modalities, journeys, art, music, and wondrous play and expression. Think Burning Man meets Esalen meets Tony Robbins. Promises Travel, Truth, and Transformation.

Angel Outlaws®

Epic adventures, scenic landscapes, california coastal tours, and nevada desert tours for the rolling stone wanderlust. Think motorcycles and meditations, intoxicating hikes and bike tours, off-road ATVs and motorbikes, drum circles and chanting, nature’s jungle gyms, dome camping under the stars. Bodhi Tribe® Life speaks to the brave adventurer who craves thrills and willfully tests physical and mental endurance. For the nature-minded warrior and badass. Join these Angel Outlaws® to find your wings through day adventuring. Extended Tours are available for Bodhi Tribe Members.

Rebel & Queen®

Swag and sacraments for the spiritual warrior and adventurer. Royal yet edgy designer wear, streetwear, and bikewear for festivals, yogis, retreats, adventurers, and travelers. Swag and sacraments to aid the traveler in relaxed lifestyle fashion, expression, comfort, as well as healing sacraments and instruments to deepen and harmonize the journey. 

experiences curator

I am a curator of rich healing experiences and stories that inspire and transform from the inside out.

I believe healing through nature is key to breaking away from cumulative trauma conditioning; to re-discover our spiritual nature, free ourselves from our hard-wired egoic minds and elevate our consciousness, both individually and collectively. It’s through divine experience and intimacy with Truth that rewires the brain and transforms the body-mind. Travel with me as we journey to a new era for humanity; new landscapes and horizons. Whole and healthy living.

Creating for…

Those with…

Nature’s craving and a thirst for divine wisdom…

Those that…

Wish to meditate in nature to hear her wisdom…

Those that are…

Spirit-minded, earth-rooted, and desire wondrous experiences and stories that provoke imagination and inspiration…

Those who are…

Natural explorers and adventurers pulled by the call of the wild; that need to feed the urge to climb mountains and swing on trees.

Those who are…

Spiritually Curious and Conscious…

Photo cred: Lora Akerman @colormesmiling2

I am curating adventures for you!

Those who are…

Spiritual Gangsters!

Permission for child-like play and silly regard

join me

If you want to climb mountains and cliffs…

Swing from trees in green jungles…

Play in storybook forests…

Dance in drum circles in the deserts of Joshua Tree…

Slide down big sand dunes…

Race down wild rivers and sail the seven seas.

Calling Healers, Artists & Musicians

Let’s Create Something Healing Together

Care to connect or create magic together?

I love to collaborate with creative, aligned minds. Give me a shout. Or, signup to receive retreat and adventure invites, app updates, product give-aways and new releases of blogs, raps, books, swag, etc.

Care to connect or create magic together?

Thanks for touching base! Be sure to check your email for next steps...

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